You might remember when we reported that Ryan Fucking Seacrest signed on the host the Super Bowl halftime show (if you don't, well, he did. I'm too lazy to go find and link to the original article), which officially ruined the Super Bowl half time show. Now, Sports By Brooks is reporting that the musical performers will be...
...drum roll please...
... THE EAGLES!!!! If you were expecting something fun or interesting, well now would be the time you hear that "Wah wah wah waaaaah" sound in your head. It's like on Let's Make a Deal when you pass up what's in the box for what's behind door number 2. Then they open door number 2 and it's just a goat eating a tin can. Yep- that's the Eagles. It could've been even worse. The article says that they really wanted Garth Brooks. I had no idea he was still alive. I thought Chris Gaines killed him.
It's not like anyone was really expecting something cool, because the half time show has been going down hill ever since MTV got a hold of it and suddenly it was just a bunch of weird medleys (I've got it- let's have Kid Rock, Britney Spears, Aerosmith, Justin Timberlake, Run DMC, and the Wiggles all on stage together. It'll be brilliant!), but this about does it for me. Just bring back the Bud Bowl and be done with it. I've got a good feeling about Bud Ice this year!
Next year they'll probably just show that clip of the Beatles on Ed Sullivan, or a video taped message from Wilfred Brimley explaining why you kids should stay off his lawn, and then a bunch of fireworks, and then some culturally diverse kids running around with flags and holding hands to show unity. And then they release some peace doves, followed by a fly by from the Blue Angels. Only the doves are still there, so they get sucked into the engines, killing the doves and causing the Blue Angels to crash into the stands. Long story short- it turns out to be Bill Belicheck's fault, so he forfeits the Super Bowl and gives up all his draft picks. And his scowl- he has to give that up too. You could say that I've put to much time into this, but you gotta admit- that's gonna be pretty great. Wait, what were we talking about?
Well Shanahan did not see me, because, I certainly quit watching the game. That game sucked, I was embarressed for the Broncos.
Yeah so I posted under the wrong heading, I have not been right all week.
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