Wednesday, May 09, 2007

According to this article, autopsy results on Damien Nash came back inconclusive. Now, I may have gotten my medical degree from a doctor school that advertises on the wall of a strip club men's room, but that doesn't make the wild conclusions I jump to any less valid. So let's examine some facts:
  • Damien Nash died because his heart stopped. He didn't get shot in the neck. No one chopped his head off. He didn't step on a mine, and he wasn't eaten by a shark or mauled by a bear. His heart stopped beating, he fell over. The end
  • His heart stopped while he was playing in a charity basketball game. A charity basketball game for his brother. His brother who had to have a heart transplant because of congenital heart problems.
  • Congenital means inherited. Inherited from the same bloodline that also spawned Damien.
  • Congenital heart problems + heart failure= Damien Nash died.

Ta Da! Take that, "accredited" medical schools! In fact, some might say that this is no story at all. Others might say that it must be a really slow news day around, shut up. Dick.


Hercules Rockefeller said...

I got my degree at Upstairs Medical College

@slushygutter said...

Im the one dissenting doctor in the "9 out of 10 doctors agree" you see in commercials. Those other doctors usually rough me up after that.