Tuesday, September 11, 2007

So why hasn't there been more commentary about the Patriots cheating? I've read the story in a few places, but I haven't seen any of the major online commentators touch it. Is it because it's still just "alleged?" or just because it's the Patriots. I can't wait to read what Peter King has to say about it, since he's always slurping New England. And why aren't more teams up in arms? Is it because they do it too?

If it's true, the Pats should lose a third rounder, at least, and someone should get suspended for four games- probably Belichick. If players get suspended for cheating to gain an advantage, why shouldn't the coaches? The Broncos lost a third round when we tried to circumvent the salary cap with one of Elway's contracts.

This is why pro football is so much more boring than college. Pro teams spend their time trying to learn opposing hand signals, college teams spend their time trying to get the ball in their best players' hands.

UPDATE: Schefter is now (like RIGHT now) reporting that the league has determined that the Pats were cheating, and it might mean loss of picks, fines, and suspensions. I guess Goodell follows my advice. Schefter also reports that people around the league are pissed. Once again- where's the online rancor?

Terrell Davis suggested probation, like college, which would mean they couldn't go to the post season. I think that's a fantastic idea.

UPDATE II: so this guy from Yahoo talks about it. He says that Belichick is slime (true), but that the real fault lies with the culture of the league. Um, what? Whatever- he also suggested draft pick losses or suspension.

by the by- that shirt has no significance, other than awesomeness

Now playing: 40 Cal f/Jha Jha - Big Boys
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Jewger said...

mark schlereth said the pats should have to forfeit the game. hmmm, nice try mark. don't hurt yourself thinking too hard. i think the league should punish them by making them publicly announce their defensive play calls before each play next week. hopefully, LT will average more than 2 frikkin' yards a carry this way.