Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Much Like The Broncos' Offense,

I'm taking this week off. I watched the game. I wasn't pleased. I also chose a job which had the primary responsibilities of playing on the internet and talking to the cute Asian chick around the corner. Unfortunately, my boss had the audacity to (GASP!) promote me, so I'm forced to spend this week learning new shit and figuring out how to goof off and write about sports on the internet. The nerve of my boss. THIS WILL NOT STAND I TELL YOU. She should have just given me a raise and then not made me do stuff, because I was promoted based on my merits, and my strongest merits are screwing off and looking handsome in my business casual clothes- which enhance, but don't flaunt- my figure.

At any rate- if I get a chance, I'll dump something up later this week about the big CU wins (at Texas Tech, scoring 5* linebacker Jon Major), and the Broncos' crapfest. for more info- check the sidebar, because those guys are pretty sweet.


Drunk on a Wednesday said...

Wait, you write more than one blog a week anyway? How can you take the week off? You already wrote your blog for the week.


Hercules Rockefeller said...
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Hercules Rockefeller said...

The Broncos decided you should take another week off.

Drunk on a Wednesday said...

Maybe you should stop writing blogs entirely. Apparently the Broncos get very butthurt by your comments and they tend to lose.