Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Apparently Champ's Wikipedia entry has become a breeding ground for some Chuck Norris style jokes. Here they are:

The saddest moment for a wide receiver is not when he learns Santa Claus isn't real, it's when he learns Champ Bailey is.
T-Mobile has been in contact with Champ Bailey to provide their nationwide coverage.
The movie "Catch me if you can" would have been a hell of a lot shorter if Champ Bailey was in it.
Barry Bonds tested positive for Champ Bailey.
On the seventh day, God rested and turned on the football game. He saw Champ Bailey and said, "Dear Me, what have I done!?"
Wilt Chamberlain claims to have slept with over 20,000 women in his life. Champ Bailey calls this "any given Sunday."
Champ Bailey has been banned from selecting in the NFL Draft... because he picks everyone.
Every player that has ever caught a pass over Champ Bailey is now under official investigation by the NFL for performance-enhancing drugs.
All stop signs will be replaced with a cardboard cutout of Champ Bailey.
When Champ Bailey goes to bed, his blankets don't cover him. He covers his blankets.
Champ Bailey's calendar goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd; no one fools Champ Bailey.
The only thing Champ Bailey can't do is work in law enforcement. He refuses to undercover.
Glue is made from Champ Bailey's sweat.
Champ Bailey isn't black, he is a shadow.
Champ Bailey's football jersey has been issued to all US soldiers overseas to be worn as a bullet proof vest.
Champ Bailey decided to sell his urine. The product is called Red Bull.
Champ Bailey is the reason why Terrell Owens tried to commit suicide.
Ninjas are Champ Bailey in training.
The next edition of Madden NFL will feature five difficulties: Rookie, Pro, All-Pro, All-Madden, and Champ Bailey.
Champ Bailey does not wear pads to protect himself, he wears them to protect others.
CB doesn't stand for cornerback, it stands for Champ Bailey.
Three-quarters of the Earth is covered by water. The rest is covered by Champ Bailey.

*thanks to Burke


Hercules Rockefeller said...

Good stuff.

Gangsta D said...

"Wilt Chamberlain claims to have slept with over 20,000 women in his life. Champ Bailey calls this "any given Sunday."

That's probably not too far off. Champ's got more kids than Dick Van Patten:)

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Great idea, but will this really work?