Wednesday, April 18, 2007

You be the judge. Extra special thanks to commenter Commish CH for pointing out that there's about a one in two chance that Norv's mom had a midget fetish, since she probably fucked a Keebler Elf. He should totally get one of those classy hats. The other option is that Momma Norv was just some sort of cookie whore. Do they have cookie whores? Because I've still got three or four boxes of Samoas, and a grip of thin mints, and some of those short bread things. Let me know.

Much less special thanks to me, and my positively Bernini-esque use of MS Paint., on second thought- better not let me know if you are a cookie whore, because cookie whores are probably fatsos. Instead let me know if you are a money whore. Because I've got three or four of dollars as well, and I suppose I could throw in some thin mints. As long as they're THIN.

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