Monday, March 19, 2007

That's a picture of Dan Graham and Travis Henry being introduced as the newest Denver Broncos. Graham is the big black guy with the beard. Henry, on the other hand, is the big black guy with the beard. All I can say is thank God Dan Graham got a big contract. Now hopefully he can afford to buy an entire suit coat. He must have the sleeves on layaway. Yes, it's been almost a week, and this is still the best I got. Jeez, the offseason is dull. At least if I was a Bengals fan there's a good chance someone would've been involved in a knife fight against a kangaroo or something.


big ben said...

At least Daniel has a tie on. Henry looks like the guy that went to the resturant with a dress code, only to be given the jacket that was left in the coat closet 6 years ago. Look he has the fruit of a loom on underneath the wrinkeled jacket

Unknown said...

And henry forgot to take the tag off of the sleve of the jacket.

I cant beleive you didnt mention the broncos and dolphins loosing big dady dan for 2 weeks. How do you lose a 400 lb black man . . . did anyone check the buffet?