Monday, August 27, 2007

Check out that video up there and you will witness quite possibly the dumbest human being on the planet. I understand the question, but I seriously wonder whether or not Miss Teen South Carolina does. What the hell is up with the South Carolina public school system? The question is about people who can't find America on a map, but I have serious doubts as to whether or not Miss Teen South Carolina could locate America on a map if it was just a map of America, like the kind you get as place mats at Denny's that just show you where other Denny's are. For that matter, the question could have been, "spell the word map" and I'm betting this chick would just stare at you looking confused before running off stage crying.

This is just another in our ongoing series proving scientifically that chicks shouldn't be allowed to vote, because they are idiots. Unfortunately, I end up dating girls exactly like this, because they are gullible and easily impressed, and I am lazy. My buddy Ryan and I used to go down to a certain bar on Market St. that will remain nameless and just make shit up. Once I convinced a girl that I was a professional bass fisherman. My buddy Ryan took a chick home by convincing her that we had just come back from an African safari. We told her a tale about him saving my life by killing a lion using only a hunting knife and courage.


Hercules Rockefeller said...

When AC Slater is the smartest person on stage you know there's something wrong.

@slushygutter said...

best one we ever perpetrated was convincing numerous girls we were the officals for the local college football game. This was in Hays, Kansas. Draw your own conclusions.