Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Andrew Mason's done it again, this time breaking the exciting news that the Broncos have signed John Browning. To a contract. To play football. If you don't want to go over and read Mason's snoozefest, here's the skinny:
  • John Browning has played 11 years in the NFL, for the arch rival Chiefs, and I've never even heard of him.
  • Our John Browning isn't even the most famous John Browning, which is why I'm sticking with the picture of the gun maker John Browning.
  • Our John Browning went to West Virginia, and as I've discussed in the past- the only things you can major in at West Virginia are Moonshine and Insanity.
  • the most insightful thing Mason could find about him is that he's wearing 98, which is the same number Carlos Hall (Carlos Who?) wore, and Hall was also a Chief. You can only get that sort of news and insight from, folks.

So our defensive line has lost 2 starters, and has been pushed around by absolutely anyone this preseason, and our response has been to sign John Browning. Genius. I'm not saying Jeremiah Trotter or Simeon Rice is the answer, but I am saying that if John Browning is the answer, the question had better be be, "who's that old guy with the bitchin' machine gun?" Here's something to ponder- what is worse than signing John Browning would be if John Browning made the final roster.

On a side note, Lemar Marshall was released today by the Redskins, and if he's healthy, he'd provide far better linebacker depth than anyone we've got, and he'd be better than Trotter, for whatever that's worth.

1 comment:

@slushygutter said...

If we did have the original Browning in there, it might discourage teams from running the ball up the middle. Most RBs will be a bit timid of running into a flurry of bullets.